* To run the experiment, execute the following command: python run_experiment.py <[Jena | Pellet]> ./sample.json ./sample * Data documents and the inference results are stored in ./sample directory. * Each document in the sample is represented with a MD5 ID. The directory "sample/" contains all the analyzed data documents. Usually the processed results of the inference process are also stored in a file named "inputOnly.nq" (inferece results of the individual data document), "ontOnly.nq" (inference results of all external ontologies), and "inputAndOnts.nq" (inference results of all external ontologies and the input document combined). Furthermore, the triples in each classified derivation types (type1-type4) are also stored in the files that correspond to the derivation type. If there is no file "inputOnly.nq", "ontOnly.nq", or "inputAndOnts.nq" in a directory of a data document, or files corresponding to "type1 - type4" are missing, that is because the inference process for the data document has failed. * The list of predicates and classes in each data document as well as their availability information is stored in file "predicates_and_classes.json".